This course will take you through the basics of the Christian faith and is suitable for both learners who have prior theological training and those who don’t.

If, while studying, students decide to undergo the discernment process to become a Licensed Lay Minister (LLM), they may do so. Applications must be made no later than Easter of the second year of the course, and the discernment process may be undertaken at any time.

What will you be learning?

You will study six modules, each one on a different aspect of the Christian faith.

Module One: Back to the Future – Understanding the Old Testament
This module gives an overview of the Old Testament and will help you see its relevance to your own life.

Module Two: Foundations of the Faith – The New Testament in today’s world
You will be introduced to the New Testament: structure, background history, key themes, and how to interpret it in today’s society.

Module Three: Learning from the Masters – Theology through the ages
In this Module, you will be introduced to some influential Christian thinkers through the ages and will be able to draw on their wisdom for your own ministry.

Module Four: Part of Something Bigger – The nature of the Church
This Module helps us to understand what the Church actually is – and our place within it.

Module Five: Living Well – Ethics and decision-making in life
This Module helps us understand how we make decisions in life and explores various approaches to wethical, moral, spiritual and social dilemmas.

Module Six: Living the Faith – Following Jesus in the modern world
This Module explores how to live and share the Christian faith in a way that is sensitive, kind and compassionate.

Who will be studying with you?

Each group is made up of people who do the course for different reasons. For example:

  1. You might want to learn more about the Christian faith for personal reasons
  2. You might want to consider becoming a Licensed Lay Minister in the future
  3. You might want to use the Course as a first two-years of your Licensed Lay Ministry training

Whatever your motivation, you will be most welcome to join.

What will the assessments be?

Don’t worry if you don’t consider yourself to be academic! There will be a range of assessments for each Module; some essay-based, some practical, some creative. We will work with you to design a method of assessment that suits your own learning style and meets your requirements.

We are keen that those with Learning Support Needs should find this course accessible. The Course Principal would be happy to meet with you in advance to work through any issues you may have in this regard.

When and where does the Course take place?

The course is delivered using a blended learning model with most sessions online (via Zoom) and occasional meetings in person. All sessions are supported using the Moodle online learning platform, which is easy to use and guidance is offered.

Each module lasts eight weeks and is designed to avoid half-term school breaks. The 2024/25 course starts on Thursday 26 September 2024.

*The certificate ceremony for Year 2 students will be held on Wednesday 11 September 2025.

Term dates:
Term 1: 26 September 2024 – 28 November 2024 (break on 24 October and 31 October)
Term 2: 16 January 2025 – 20 March 2025 (break on 13 and 20 February)
Term 3: 1 May 2025 – 3 July 2025 (break on 29 May and 5 June)

NB all classes will be on Thursday evenings, 7-8pm, via Zoom or 7 – 8:30pm at London Diocesan House, 36 Causton St, SW1P 4AU

How much does the Course cost?

The course costs £80 per module, so £240 per year. Fees can be paid at the beginning of each term or in full at the beginning of the year.

Apply now

Please return the application form (below) by email to For more information, please email the Course Administrator.