For Lent 2023, the Bishops of London Diocese hosted five online sessions exploring ancient ways of Christian prayer that are still relevant today and can help us spend time in the presence of God.


  1. The Examen
  2. Lectio Divina
  3. Centring Prayer
  4.  Imaginative Contemplation
  5. Visio Divina (Praying with Pictures)

Hand-outs and a recording of each of the session are available below. The sessions can be engaged with individually or in small groups and can also used as an offering outside Lent.


  • Martin Carr is Operations and Finance Manager at St Paul’s and St Cyprian’s churches in Marylebone, Vice Principal of the St Edmund’s Courses, a Licensed Lay Minister at All Hallows by the Tower, and joint Area lead on Creation Care in the Two Cities Area.
  • Catherine Armstrong is advisor for prayer and spirituality for the Bishop of Stepney, a spiritual director and retreat leader. She has an MA in Christian spirituality where she was introduced to Lectio Divina which she now uses as part of her prayer life.
  • Charles Hippsley works as a consultant for the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity, is a Spiritual Director and tutor at the London Centre for Spiritual Direction.
  • Mthr Mitzi James is curate at Hornsey Parish Church and Chaplain to the local YMCA hostel and charity. Before being ordained in 2020, she worked in local government and a variety of roles in the charitable sector.
  • Revd Dr Ayla Lepine is the Associate Rector at St James’s Piccadilly in London. She has a background in art, architectural history and theology and has lectured and published across the globe. From 2021-22 she was Ahmanson Fellow in Religion and Art at the National Gallery in London.