We support churches and chaplaincies who are involved in ministry and mission work to ensure young people have spaces to be safe; challenging youth violence, offering mentoring, and helping families in their parenting of young people.

If you’re considering starting something in your church, or if you’re already doing something that you’d like to share, please do get in touch.
We love to visit churches and see what God is doing, listen, learn and advise.

Get in touch

Head shot of Alison Tsang

Alison Tsang

Head - Compassionate Communities & Lead, Safer Communities for All Young People
alison.tsang​@london.anglican.org 07732729936

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If you have a specific query that isn’t covered, please contact us here

Community youth & violence reduction projects in Diocese of London churches

Zoom in for more detail, or click on individual icons for more information.

If you know of a church working in community youth work or youth violence prevention but it’s not on this map,
please do get in touch and we’ll add it in.

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