St John’s Church in Kensal Green, West London, will soon celebrate The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee by unveiling new stained glass windows. “The Flowers of the Commonwealth” were designed by stained glass artist John Reyntiens, who also designed the Diamond Jubilee window in Westminster Hall. The windows will be unveiled on 1st June by John, and Blessed on Sunday 5th June at Evensong by the Bishop of Fulham.

The Rev David Ackerman, Vicar of St John’s, said that the new windows not only celebrate The Queen’s reign but Her Majesty’s role in shaping and leading the Commonwealth of nations:

“At the beginning of Her reign The Queen said the Commonwealth of Nations was ‘a new conception of an equal partnership of nations and races I shall give myself heart and soul everyday of my life.’ Our windows embody that vision and promise.”

There is too in the glass a tribute to the late Duke of Edinburgh.

“John has included the flower of Malta, where The Queen and the Duke in their younger years spent some happy years”.

For details of St John’s Church special events and services during the Jubilee week visit their website.