The Revd Andrew Corsie has been announced as a Prebendary of St Paul’s Cathedral by The Bishop of London, The Rt Revd and Rt Hon Dame Sarah Mullally DBE, in recognition of his valuable ministry in the Diocese.

Andrew is Director of Ministry for the Willesden Area and is to be installed to the Prebendal Stall of Wilsden in St Paul’s Cathedral on 5 June 2022. He has worked in the Diocese of London since his ordination in 1993 and in 2003 was appointed Area Dean of Ealing, a position he held until 2010. In 2014, he was appointed to the Training and Development role.

Prebendaries are appointed by the Bishop after consultation with the Dean of St Paul’s in recognition of their work in the Diocese. As part of the roles in the Greater Chapter of St Paul’s, they are each given their own stall in the quire, are invited to preach once a year and are given a portion of the Psalms to recite each day. They also play a valuable role in maintaining the Cathedral’s close links with the parishes of the London Diocese.

The Bishop of London, The Rt Revd and Rt Hon Dame Sarah Mullally, said:

“Andrew’s three decades of service in London is recognised today with his appointment as a Prebendary of St Paul’s Cathedral. I am immensely grateful for his ministry in the Willesden Area, in particular the contribution he has made to the training, development and wellbeing of fellow clergy. I look forward to him joining the wider Cathedral community and sharing in its life in the years to come.”