Our LDF teams would love to know how they are supporting our churches in their ministry towards our 2030 Vision, for every Londoner to encounter the love of God in Christ.

Thank you to those who have already submitted responses to our 2023 feedback survey.

We would really appreciate feedback to help our teams focus on the right things and make improvements wherever possible. The survey links below were sent to all church leaders in the diocese in June, by email.

The surveys have a closing date of Sunday 30 July.

Who should complete the survey?

The emails about the survey have gone to clergy and churchwardens, but anyone in church leadership can give feedback. The surveys include a dropdown to select your parish name, so please feel free to delegate completing all or part of the survey to someone in your community whom you trust and/ or who may be more directly involved in a particular aspect of your ministry, like youthwork or safeguarding.

Each survey could take around 15 minutes to fill in (depending on how much feedback you would like to give). You are also able to skip any sections that you don’t feel are relevant.

Click here to complete the survey for 2030 Vision teams (new for 2023)

Click here to complete the survey on our operational teams (first sent out in 2021)

Why do we have two surveys?

The two surveys are asking different types of questions, and separating them will make it easier to analyse the feedback. The 2030 Vision survey focusses on our mission teams which support our three ambitions (Confident Discipleship, Compassionate Communities, Creative Growth) and three priorities (Growing Younger, Safer Churches, Racial Justice). The operational teams survey covers the teams which enable  ministry (Finance, Property, People etc).

What will we do with the information we receive?

Each LDF team will review the feedback throughout August and September – making any necessary adjustments to their planning over the course of the following year. We will also share back the main elements of what we hear.

Please do contact the 2030 Vision Team if you have any queries or further feedback at all: 2030.vision@london.anglican.org 

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