The Diocese of London is looking for young people aged 14-20 who want to explore creativity this summer!

On 9 July, the Capital Youth team will be hosting a free creative workshop at a church in East London, where young people will receive tuition in small groups on a chosen pursuit, including how to write spoken word pieces, reflective and creative writing, filmmaking and theological reflection. Attendees will have a chance to get something they create featured in ‘Parish News’ this October – an email which goes out to over 4,000 people – as a means to amplify the voices of young people in our churches. We’ll also create a page on the Diocese website where you can view the pieces.

We hope to host around 12 young people from churches across the Diocese of London, so if you know someone aged 14-20 who you know would benefit from experience, encourage them to apply!

If you’re aged 14-20 and want to apply for a place on the workshop, click here.

Apply by 17 June!


About the workshop

Young people will be able to choose a creative pursuit for the day, led by an experienced person in their field:

  • Theological reflection (writing from spiritual experiences)
  • Reflective writing (personal storytelling)
  • Filmmaking (planning and shooting)
  • Spoken word / poetry (composition and performance)

The workshop will run from 10:00-16:00 and by the end of the day, each attendee will have finished (or almost finished!) a creative piece in their chosen pursuit. The filmmaking group may be working collaboratively to a pre-agreed brief.

Why run a creative workshop?

As part of Capital Youth and the new 2030 vision for Growing Younger, we aim to ensure that the voices of young people are heard, but also that young people know they are being taken seriously, having the opportunity to shape rather than simply ‘receive’ church. We know that young people hear from God, that they have something valuable to share, and we should be listening to them.

For any queries about the workshop or to get involved in helping amplify the voices of young people in our diocese, email