Our diocesan Cycle of Prayer each day begins with the appropriate entry from the Anglican prayer calendar. Entries from the Porvoo Prayer Diary are incorporated on Sundays as are petitions for Confident Disciples.

Churches and organisations in our linked dioceses of Angola and Mozambique are listed on Wednesdays.

As well as the Sundays and major Feast Days of the Church Calendar, the Cycle of Prayer now includes the men and women commemorated in the London Kalendar.

Download the Cycle of Prayer or use an app

Throughout the year the people of every parish, chaplaincy and church school are prayed for across the Diocese. Download the most recent Cycle below, or pray with us every day using the PrayerMate app.



Amendments, comments and queries

The information in the Cycle of Prayer is checked and updated as near as possible to the time of production. If you have any amendments to suggest, or any other comments or queries, please contact the Editor, The Revd Peter McGeary, at St Mary’s Clergy House, 68 Johnson Street, London E1 0BQ (Tel & Fax: 020 7790 0973; E-mail: mcgeary@pmcg.demon.co.uk).