The main discussion points for the meeting on 6th March were:

  • Changing Lead Recruiter/evidence checker – complete this form, signing in ink and emailing back to
  • Alexis Jay report – the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisors are feeding into the response group and PSOs are welcome to feed in any views or reservations to the to ensure PSO’s voices are heard.   Bishop Joanne is the lead Bishop for safeguarding and is chairing the response group.  PSOs will be kept updated.
  • Definition of vulnerable adult – this is in the Parish Safeguarding Handbook on page 54.
  • Dealing with safeguarding concerns – always come into the safeguarding team and if PSOs or anyone else has any doubts whatsoever, any niggles, any “should I do something else” then you are encouraged pick up the phone or email the duty line.

Note: We do not encourage the sharing of any specific or identifiable information during these sessions but it does sometimes happen so we request that the drop-ins are not recorded.