After six years at the award-winning Bath Rugby Education centre, Archbishop’s evangelist and qualified sports coach Chris Andrew started Project Touchline, a ministry that helps primary school children engage with faith through the fun of sport.

The six-week programme explores biblical values in collective worship and then applies them through coaching games in PE lessons, emphasising that Christian faith is to be lived out in our daily lives.

Establishing a lunchtime prayer club leaves the schools with a lasting legacy when the project is over.

St Mary’s Bryanston Square CE Primary School has been working with Project Touchline for the past three years. Headteacher Lee Duffy speaks enthusiastically about the benefits of the project:

“Chris leads Project Touchline with such passion and energy. The sport sessions (tag rugby or hockey) are a firm favourite with the children, and with Chris’s experience as a coach, the level and quality of teaching is excellent. This has not only supported the learning of our children but also enhanced the skills of our teachers, developing a greater awareness of the links between PE and the school’s values and vision. Many of our children join the prayer club each week and continue with our church youth worker after the end of Project Touchline.


Jayne Pavlou, Deputy Director of Education (LDBS) further endorses the legacy at St Mary’s:  

“Many pupils choose to attend this voluntary lunchtime prayer group which provides them with a quiet space to be still, reflect and pray. They appreciate the opportunity to pray about things that matter to their school community, as well as issues in their wider world. This valuable lunchtime provision supports the spiritual flourishing of all who attend.”


The final video provides an insight into the joy, learning and compassion which is demonstrated throughout this wonderful project.

For more information visit